Josef Halfer was a bookbinder in Budapest who had a special interest in marbling, and who studied the chemistry of the materials used in creating the colors and the size used. His researches had two results: he launched a line of marbling colors, and he published his findings in a book THE PROGRESS OF THE MARBLING ART, and Plum Park Press is now proud to offer a miniature edition of this classic 1894 work.
This new miniature edition includes all of the original text, set in readable 8-point Centaur; and all of the original color plates appear in a separate section printed on glossy paper for the best quality.
The book consists of 220 pages, and has overall dimensions of 75 x 75 x 18 mm (3 x 3 x 11/16 inches). The edition is limited to 20 copies, priced $50 each plus $5 shipping and handling world-wide.