Bookbinding manuals -
making simple equipment
Perhaps you do a little bookbinding yourself. Or perhaps you've thought about trying to do some, but you don't want to lay out a lot of money for the specialized equipment that is needed until you are sure that you are ready. Well, here is an option: make some simple equipment yourself, using simple materials (which you may already have in your scrap bin) and readily available tools. At worst you may need a little help from your friendly local amateur woodworker!

Tony Firman Bookbinding is pleased to offer three downloadable manuals for constructing a simple lying press, a punching cradle, and a sewing frame. Each piece of equipment can be built in a hour or two, and for pocket change.
These manuals are professionally written in simple language, with lots of color illustrations, so they are easy to follow. And they are free! Just click on any of the buttons below to download a PDF file of the manual.