Plum Park Press
TUNNEL ENGINEERING, A MUSEUM TREATMENT started life as a monograph for the Smithsonian Institution, based on exhibits in that museum, and published in 1966. The author, Robert M. Vogel, was curator of the Division of Mechanical and Civil Engineering at the Smithsonian, and wrote many such monographs (including Elevator System of the Eiffel Tower, also published in miniature by Plum Park Press). The book includes many pictures, including some taken from museum exhibits.
The book is printed throughout in dark brown ink, with the illustrations rendered in brown/black duotone. It is hard bound, with cloth on the boards printed with one of the images from the book.
The book consists of 180 pages, and has overall dimensions of 76 x 76 x 14 mm (3 x 3 x 9/16 inches). The edition consists of 20 copies, priced $50 each plus $5 for shipping and handling.